Introducing the free and super customisable highlighter component for Framer by FramerFuel ⛽️
This is the first, and most advanced highlighter component, made for Framer.
Properties you can edit include:
Font size
Line height
Letter spacing
Font color
Highlighter color
Padding (for highlighter)
Border radius (for highlighter)
Text alignment (left, right, centred, justified)
Border color (for highlighter)
Border width (for highlighter)
Border effect (for highlighter)
How to use:
Open the remix file, copy the component and paste into your project. Enter your text, inside of the text field. The keywords tab is where you want to enter the word(s) you want to highlight, add as many as you like. Configure the rest of the properties to your needs, and you're done!
View the demo here.
Built, and licensed by
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